How It Started

It all began with a dream…

Tired of feeling like hard working people were getting targeted during a time when law enforcement wasn’t unable to do much, we decided it was time to take a stand. With almost two decades of military training to lean on and the desire to help his fellow man, Jonathan decided it was time to create a security company that wasn’t a “one size fits all” kind of company. With extensive training and knowledge, Jonathan also created a defensive training curriculum that enables citizens of all ages and demographics to defend themselves. These teachable skillsets include the safe use and handling of firearms, unarmed combative techniques, as well as developing a portfolio of soft skills that will transform you into effective defender.

Our Solution

Knowing that every person has their own dynamic needs and budget when it comes to protecting their business or personal property, we knew we needed to be able to create custom made options for our customers. Whether it is something as simple as having one of our trained guards drive by once an evening, needing a stationary guard on post 24/7, or anything in between, we can create a plan that works for your specific needs.

Creating the defensive training classes is another dynamic solution to help our fellow citizens find confidence in protecting their assets if private security is something outside of their means. More information about the classes to come. Stay tuned!

Need suggestions on the best firearms or non-lethal tools for your needs? Whether for personal protection or for sport, we can help! As a Federal Firearms License holder, we can help with the buying and selling process.